An Interview with Martin Lastrapes | Self-Publishing Review

A few months ago, I won the 2018 SPR Book Award from the Self-Publishing Review for Dolph the Unicorn Killer & Other Stories. After winning the award, I did an interview for Self-Publishing Review, which you can see part of below:

Tell us about your book.

Dolph the Unicorn Killer & Other Stories is a gloriously vulgar, gut-punching, giddy-inducing collection of interconnected horror, fantasy, comedy, and literary stories that weaves together an eclectic tapestry of characters who are bonded by themes of loneliness, revenge, friendship, and sex. It’s vampires, serial killers, unicorns, and more, all of them intersecting within that alluring stretch of the American Southwest known as Las Vegas.

Why did you want to write a book?

I love telling stories. It’s probably my favorite thing to do, outside of being told a great story.

Why did you choose to self-publish?

I love the freedom self-publishing offers, such as overseeing the creation of the cover art and deciding the publication date. I also love telling myself “yes,” instead of letting agents and publishers tell me “no.”

You can read the entire interview by clicking HERE.