Martin Lastrapes

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Chatting with KJ Waters

I had a wonderful time chatting with my friend, author, and podcaster, KJ Waters! She came onto The Martin Lastrapes Show Podcast Hour and talked about surviving hurricanes, her novel Stealing Time, and her first year as co-host of Blondie and the Brit

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Episode 136: KJ Waters

Carlie M.A. Cullen, in her review of Stealing Time, writes,

"I was intrigued by the blurb on this book, especially as it mentioned Hurricane Charley which I experienced in 2004, so although it’s not the sort of book I would normally read, I was interested enough to give it a go and I’m glad I did.

The concept of the plot was very original and I liked the way Waters constructed the method for the time travel to take place. She weaved the plot well and it certainly kept me turning the pages. KJ had certainly done her research about London and the time period. Factually it was very accurate, especially when it came to how women were treated more as chattels to be sold into a loveless marriage to advance the standing or financial position of the family. She’d also done her homework on what happened to women who were accused of witchcraft. The detail she included gave the reader an accurate picture, but I’m glad to say there wasn’t an info dump. The author intertwined it with the plot so it read as a natural progression within the story.

The detail included in the hurricane scenes was scarily realistic. Trees crashing through roofs, bringing down power lines, loss of power and water – these were all things I remembered only too well!"